Saturday, November 11, 2006

We interrupt the Chronicles for a quick...

Friend of mine alerted me to this, it's really beautiful. Big up to the SA boys for teaching this crazy world a thing or two. I've had the pleasure of chatting to these guys and they're really lovely. Check the T-shirt out, talk about being subversive and plugging SA wherever you can (which they do).

I will have my say on the Live issue, and the PW issue, and the stalker issue. Bear with me, lots of marking and other such stuff to do...been busy, but I'm alive and Blaaaaahnia is still in a state of despotic stupidity. Ya so to make up for my absence I'm treating you guys to a born and bred SA band Just Jinjer- In his Name. Enjoy!!! And continue to support SA music, we're a very talented nation.

brb(few more days, Indian time, give or take)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blaaaaahnia is still in a state of despotic stupidity...That's why you're a bearer of the life-force; you're a're quotable.

Have a look at the Live post on Electric Spaghetti where I debuted and totally over-expressed myself. My apologies to the Coven of Bloggers.

November 18, 2006 11:01 pm  
Blogger rah* said...

Aaaah you're becoming brave now, lil one, very brave. Damn, I think blogger's got a spell check thing running cos I'm getting lil red dots on words that are non-standard such as lil and lol...hmmmm, (<---that too) lol's not a word though...

November 19, 2006 1:31 pm  
Blogger cellardoor said...

clever video- real good, lead singer was a bit freaky tho...

November 22, 2006 10:21 pm  

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