So this very good friend of mine sends me the following email. It's prefaced by him with the words, "When I looked at this...somehow...your name just sprung to mind". I laughed, but then I wondered if I should be insulted. However I do know that NOTHING Steve McQueen says can really be taken seriously, unless it's really serious. Aaaah well... here goes...
I reckon she's kinda cute actually. Well I'd rather be the Chainsaw Massacre Girl than say Paris Hilton/Britney Spears/Jessica "Dikker Kop than most" Simpson/and her sibling whatever her name is for example.
Yeah so it's Ramadaan again, all the best to all, and the usual yada yada...
It is that time of the year when my infinite insomnia will take root again. My "vampiricness" shows again in the form of me being more or less incapable of sleep during the night, but I am able to sleep with more ease during the day. Well at any rate my pathetic sleep patterns get totally messed up, but I survive.
And because of me and my living on the edge of almost sleeping and then not, my irritation levels are expected to be quite high, now couple that with not eating, not sleeping and desperately trying to inculcate a sense of deep sprituality and the works. I think being "cranky" is a bit of an understatement so I ask you all ( very humbly) to pray that my inner patience works well this month. Otherwise da da da daaa *Jaws OST*...
God Save the retards and reprobates I'm surrounded by...
I'm thinking Chainsaw Massacre girl's not quite me though, I think I'm infinitely more Pandora ripping the heart out and drinking from it as one would from a cup. Or Pandora and that Blood Fountain scene with that charo Despot. Maaaaaaaaaaarius, wherefore art thou Maaaaaaaaaaarius. Yeah, well now she ignores him anyway cos she thinks the asshole factor's pretty high in him. Wisdom of hindsight and the power of being a sulky femaley-type. And I'm thinking, now that everyone; besides maybe the wonderfully wise Lobelia's student, bazh, dee, zayzay, and Ree ;is thoroughly confused. So I'll shut up now.
Damn I got that "Jan Pierewit" song stuck in my head. Say with me WTF?! The folk songs/ nursery rhymes of the Blaaaaahnians of note. O yes I wanted to find out also, I've got a .wma thingy how do I put it up here? Any ideas? Yes, I know that sounds techno twat deluxe but I mean I read books not PC manuals ;p